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Link Gumbo-10/28/09

Sorry, no Midweek show this week, Wee caught the swine flu. Instead enjoy this nice video.

AD Joe Alleva had a massive Q&A session in a History of Colligate Sports Class (yes, there is now something better than basket weaving) and a little birdie was smart enough to write down most of what he said. All sorts of info on every topic imaginable was covered including future plans for various facilities.

Next weeks game has been set at 2:30 pm on CBS. And don't forget to order your Tigervision before Saturday.

Failed to mention this last week, but most of the Old Alex Box is up for auction, with new items appearing weekly. Best available this week? The Section Right 1 sign ($200, no bids yet)

This weekend marks the 50th anniversary of Billy Cannon's Midnight Run. There will be some form of commemoration during the game this weekend, and Dr. Cannon was on hand for a great press conference on Monday.


And here's Coach Miles' Monday press conference.

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